The Fulbright Seminar and Ski Weekend

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditIn mid-February, the Fulbright-Norway grantees gathered in Oslo for a seminar in which we presented our on-going work.  Immediately after the seminar, we enjoyed a special gathering and reception at the US Ambassador’s Oslo home. The Annual Fulbright-Norway seminar is much like a series of brilliant lightening talks.  Each of us … [Read more…]

Provocative Prague!

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditOne of the goals we set for this year was to try and travel throughout Europe as much as possible.  We have been very fortunate to take some time to see different parts of Norway, but we have also escaped to some great cities of Europe in order to discover the … [Read more…]

#HappyNewYear 2018! Looking back, Looking ahead

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrReddit  On New Years Eve, I posted a quick reflection on Instagram that captured my musings on 2017: The year has certainly been one of mixed blessings.  But the personal growth I have experienced has been remarkable, and my gratitude runs deep for so many new kinds of learning experiences.  When … [Read more…]

The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, 2017

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditOn December 10, the Nobel Committee awarded the annual Peace Prize in Oslo.  I was honored to attend the ceremony as a guest of the Fulbright Foundation. I count this honor of being included in the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony as one of the major highlights of my sabbatical year as … [Read more…]

Hosting Ian Hatcher in Norway

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditIt has been a sincere pleasure to host digital poet and programming artist Ian Hatcher in my capacity as Fulbright scholar of Digital Culture here in Bergen, Norway.  I was happy to organize two events while he has been in town – a reading and conversation with my University of Bergen … [Read more…]

Discovering Norway!

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditIn Norway, the education system benefits from an “October Break” – a week put aside in the midst of the busy autumn season, where students (and professors) get a bit of time off.  We planned ahead, taking this opportunity to explore and discover a bit more of this country we have … [Read more…]

Unity VR (Virtual Reality) Hack!

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrReddit This past weekend, with the help of a great team of new friends and colleagues, I collaborated to make my first piece of Virtual Reality.  I attended the Unity VR Hack at the Bergen Public Library in Bergen, Norway.  The event – led by Crossover Labs with expert mentoring from Unfold Collective – was … [Read more…]

Moving on. We are here in Norway!

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditTransitions are slow and steady business.  We have been in Norway for a few weeks, and now I can take a breath, look back, and marvel at the steps along the way in getting this family to the point and place we find ourselves in now.  In short, moving house and … [Read more…]

#DigCiz Summer 2017 Conversations (starting this week): Join us!

It's only fair to share…TwitterFacebookLinkedinPinterestemailTumblrRedditFor those of you who are curious, the #digciz hashtag is an open community and a portal into a continuing conversation on digital citizenship in higher education. We have scheduled several rounds of summer conversations and we hope to ask questions and explore ideas together. We have designed this emergent community as an open inquiry … [Read more…]